Friday, January 11, 2013

3 Day Count Down!

I got my call this morning to confirm surgery for Tuesday and I need to be downtown at 6:30am. I can eat food today and tomorrow and then Sunday and Monday I am on a liquid diet with nothing to eat after midnight on Monday.

I realized I neveactuallyly gave details about what I am having done. I am having an IBand. It's a somewhat new procedure. I will get the Lap Band as well as having my stomach folded and then he will sew up the folds to make it smaller. Here is a link I found that describes it pretty well.

I will go on a 2 week liquid diet after surgery and then 3 weeks of mushed foods. As I was told even chicken and stars must be blended. After that I get to start trying real food again.

I am ready to go. I am finally getting to the point in my pre-op diet where I am STARVING! I want to eat all day. My go to right now for sweets is a spoonful of peanut butter. But all in all I am still doing well and have stayed away from the candy and ice cream. I am down a total of 12 pounds so I am pleased.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the weight loss and we will be praying for you!
